During clients initial Ayurvedic consultation, clients original constitution (prakruti) and current state of doshas (vikruti) will be assessed using different techniques and evaluation methods, so as to create a personal program according to clients specific situation and individual conditions.
First Visit: Rate:$100 + cost of herbs
Consultation Follow-ups: Rate:$40 + cost of herbs
Ayurveda , Ayurvedic Doctor
May alleviate symptoms may associated with:
• Back Pain
• Lumbar Spondylosis
• Slip Disc
• Sciatica
• Inter Vertebral Disc Prolapse
• Herniated Disc
• Degeneration
• Cervical Spondylosis
• Frozen Shoulder
• Osteo-Arthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Osteoporosis
The therapy include:
• Abhyangam (Full body oleation therapy with medicated oil
• Podikizhi (Bolus therapy with bundle of herbal powder)
Rate: 1.5hr/$150.00
Herbal (organic)warm oil massage may relieve stress, anxiety, exhaustion.Every human has a balance of vatha, pitta and kapha. Abhyanga massage is very good for maintaining the doshas. The oil and the herbs for abhyanga massage can be determined by looking into the doshas. More..
Rate:$85.00/ 60 Min.
$105.00 / 90 Min.
streaming of warm oil onto the forehead from the copper pot, this may producing an exquisite state of relaxation, nourish the nervous system and bring overall clarity and peace.The result: better brain function, mood stability and improved stress handling ability. More..
Rate:$75.00/45 Min.
$90.00 / 60 Min.
Podikizhi is also known as Churna Pinda Sweda . A type of Ayurvedic massage treatment with bundles of herbal powder. Podikizhi may curing arthritis, paralysis and neuro-muscular diseases. The bundles have to be warmed up periodically by dipping in warm medicated oil, or herbal juices. More..
Rate: $95.00/ 60 Min.
$50.00/ 30 Min.
An energizing Ayurvedic massage focused on seven chakras, may promote well-being, energy and blood circulation. More.
$60.00 / 45Min
Health & Wellness much more than absence of disease. Treat yourself with therapeutic bodywork. Introduce yourself to ancient Ayurveda . Book your appointment online or text 716-368-1926